I want to thank all of my mom friends. There was a time when I thought I could do it without you. I can’t. There was a time when I thought having mom friends was overrated. It’s not.
A good mom friend is worth the price of that Starbucks latte that I’m going to bring as a gift to the next playdate. You’re worth my using the special detergent on when you let me borrow an extra onesie because someone had a blowout and we forgot to pack contingency clothing. You’re worth me staying up for late night texts when you’re worried because someone tried to swallow bits of snack wrappers. You’re me worth braving the outside world because you don’t want to go to that playgroup without knowing anyone there. I will do all those things and more because I want to be a good mom friend too.
Maybe I’ll fail sometimes. But I’ll apologize. Maybe I’ll forget. I’ll find a way to make it up to you somehow. I truly need you and don’t know what I would do without you. Only you understand my mommy pain. Only you get where I’m coming from when I am simultaneously in love and frustrated out of my mind.
You’re wonderful and I love you.