Parents get a lot of advice. Some of it is super great and very helpful. Other stuff (like sleep when the baby sleeps … seriously?) is useful the first time you hear it and then gets repeated SOOOOO freaking often that you just want to strangle the next person who brings you that little gem. (Like, hey, figurative dude, if my kid had slept for longer than 20 minutes at a time before wanting to be latched on to the boob for the millionth marathon nursing session, then maybe I’d have a few brain cells left to explain to you why not all advice is ACTUALLY HELPFUL TO THE INFINITE NUMBER OF UNIQUE SITUATIONS THAT A BLANKET STATEMENT SUCH AS ‘SLEEP WHEN THE BABY SLEEPS’ DOESN’T COVER). And yes, I will forever rant about that one. I’ve earned that right.
So, I started thinking about the worst parenting tips I’ve ever heard. And they were bad. But they were only rage-inducing bad. They had to go further. They had to be the worst, baddest, most ridiculous parenting tips of all time.
And that’s how today’s comic was born. You’re welcome.