Off on an Adventure

Off on an Adventure

We’re taking this week off in Boston as our daughter has open heart surgery. Geekasaurus will resume next week. Have a happy New...
It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Yulemas

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Yulemas

Holidays have been pretty easy over the past four years. We’ve kept things quiet at home, gone to a few parties thrown by family and friends, but we haven’t gone out of our way to really get into the spirit of things. A dash of holiday music here and there...
Holiday Prep

Holiday Prep

It’s almost that time of year again. Lights flicker. Snow falls. Familiar music pipes in, surrounding us all and enveloping us in a warm hug as if to say, “You’re home now.” The woosh of the engines lulls us into comfort …  I am, of...
So Easy!

So Easy!

This Comic Didn’t Get Made, and That’s Okay: The True Story of What Really Happens to Stressed Out Sleep Deprived Cartoonists with a Self-Imposed Deadline People ask me all the time how I manage to do so much with an eight-month-old baby at home. I don’t...

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