I knew that it was bound to happen sooner or later. The comic is late and will probably not be posted until tomorrow (Thursday). đ Alice has been going through an “I only want Mum” phase, a “say no to naps” phase, and an “I want...
It’s a holiday, and I’m probably super busy rushing around being fussy about food and getting frustrated by the state of my kitchen while Wayne taps away on his laptop and Alice jumps up and down in her bouncy thing. It’s pretty much guaranteed that...
Remind me to never ever say to anyone ever again, “At least it could be worse.” It’s the thing we say to each other when we hear terrible news and don’t know how to respond. We think we sound sympathetic and supportive. We don’t. We sound...
True story. I was headed to work. It was one of two nights a month where I actually have a more traditional job. I work with adults with developmental disabilities. It was a Halloween themed dance so I dressed up as a witch. Normally, I would go as a Ghostbuster, but...